I was on Pinterest the other day and ran across a bunch of posts about summer bucket lists. I love the idea of having one, so the children and I decided we were going to come up with our own. At first we thought we would use the clothespin and bucket idea, but then my son suggested doing something with magnets instead. This is what we came up with.
Here is our summer bucket this:
- Create a Summer Bucket List
- Nature Walks and Journals
- Nature Color Palette
- Hunt for and Identify Bugs
- Go Swimming
- Slip and Slide
- Run Through the Sprinklers
- Make Popsicles and have a Popsicle Party
- Have a Pajama Party
- Have a "Super" Pajama Party
- Visit the Library
- Tour a Firehouse
- Have a Picnic in the Park
- Go to the Zoo
- Go to the Aquarium
- Visit a Museum
- Have Sunset Tea
- Have a Paper Airplane Contest
- Go to a Movie
- Have a Dress Up Photo Shoot
- Go on a Night Exploration with Flashlights
- Have a Dr. Seuss Day
- Make a Time Capsule
- Take Canned Goods/Food to a Church
- Go on a Road Trip
- Go on a Scavenger Hunt
- Paint with Objects, Fruits and Veggies
- Visit a Relative
- Write a Series of Letters to Someone
- Explore a New Place/City
- Make Snow Globes
- Tell Silly Spooky Stories in the Dark with a Flashlight
- Eat Non-Finger Foods with Our Fingers
- Play a New Form of Hopscotch
- Have a Family Game Night
- Have a Pool Noodle Obstacle Coarse
- Write a Story
- Make Bird Feeders
- Create Summer Journal Scrapbook
- Make a Craft
- Relax for a Day
- Have a "Mad Scientist" Day
- Make a Piece of Artwork
- Visit the Cliff Dwellings
- Find a New Way to Play with Bubbles
- Watch a Thunderstorm and Drink Hot Cocoa
- Play in the Rain
- Find New Things to do with Sidewalk Chalk
- Make Puppets and Have a Puppet Show
- Have a Tea Party
- Plant Something New/Different
- Make a Pool Noodle Obstacle Coarse
- Learn Something New about Nature
- Build Something with Lego's
- Play with Play-Doh
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